
A little bit about myself

I was born in the former U.S. Territory of Canal Zone, Panama.  I have four brothers, no sisters.  I grew up in a very musical household: My late mom, Anoland, was a singer/pianist and a radio actress.  In the 60's she had her own variety tv show in Panama, something that was quite an achievement at the time.  My dad was a percussionist (and a basketball player/Detective) in a Big Band Orchestra when he met my mom....The rest is history.  


Since my parents had very different musical tastes, we were exposed to a huge variety of genres.  My mom enjoyed all the classical composers such as Chopin, Beethoven, Debussy, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, etc.; She also loved Broadway and Movie musicals, Operas, etc.  so of course, those recordings were also a part of our musical 'education'.  My dad would play Sinatra, Tony Bennet, Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, and all the Salsa greats: El Gran Combo, Sonora Matancera, Pacho Alonso, Benny Moré, Celia Cruz...And the balladeers: Armando Manzanero, Marco Antonio Muñiz...The Brazilians Elis Regina, Astrud Gilberto and many, many more.

When I was three years old my dad introduced me to Barbra Streisand...After explaining who the singer was and what the song was about (I didn't understand English at the time) he played "People".   Once I heard Ms. Streisand, I realized that what I did was called singing, and that the human voice was an instrument indeed, a magical thing to comprehend at such a tender age, and I am forever grateful to my father for opening that door.   From that day, (and everyday for years) I would play Ms. Streisand's record and I would sing along with her as long as my mother wasn't in the house since she had made it quite clear that she did not want any of her children to be artists. 

Eventually, when I lived in England, I explored musical possibilities and had two so-called once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.  I have been very lucky though and have worked with some incredible artists such as Nick Beere, the late Nicky James, Tim Wheater, Alan Zipper, Randy Barlow, Dan Type, and many more. I've worked with my brother Robert Blades, and it was a great experience but our paths have taken us in different directions.

I have collaborated and worked with many.   Music, singing and writing are my lifelong companions and I will sing 'till the day I leave this world.  

I've learned a lot about by myself while on this journey.  For example: The thought of travelling constantly, and living out of a suitcase has never appealed to me.  Ideally, others would sing my songs! But you have to be a 'somebody' or know 'somebody' who 'knows somebody' for that to happen...And yes, I suppose I have met a few 'somebodys', but I wouldn't ask them for anything that they wouldn't think of giving freely themselves...Round and round we go!

My son, Robert. UK born and bred, actor.

Ruben Blades

Anoland Blades


I did feel compelled to do this album though and my inspiration is my late mom.   She was such a gifted artist, but had five children, and was living in Central America, not ideal conditions to pursue a successful career as an artist.   Even though her career as a performer started when she was a young girl, there is only one recording of my mother's voice in existence:  The vocals she laid down for a song called "Yo Soy Una Mujer" which is part of my brother Rubén's epic "Maestra Vida" Album.  My mom was 64 when she passed on, way too young.  I am forever thankful to the heavens that she did eventually encourage me to pursue my dreams...Perhaps I would've done this sooner, had she been around, who knows...And yes, that is a picture of my very beautiful mom, Anoland, as a young woman...:), and my dad, Rubén, a very handsome young man :)

To honor my mother's memory and to honor and fulfill my father's  lifelong wish that I release a record (he just turned 90 and he's my number 1 fan) I bring you ECLECTICA...Thank you to all who have graciously encouraged me along the way, for years...I love you...

From my heart to your heart...Namaste!